Friday, October 2, 2009

The day i was hospitalised..


The day i was hospitalized...uh! worst experience ever..sitting,sleeping and walking with a drip attached to my right arm..Little voice inside my head says : OMG...I am not that sick! Why am I being treated this way? I wanna go home Mr Dr...!      
Nurses and doctors in PPUM are very professional. KAGUM! Although they are very SUPER DOOPER BUSY, still..they treat their patients politely.. Gynaecologist - Dr Sunita is the one who did ultra scan on me,and...Alhamdullillah I am free from ovarion cyst and fybroid! :)

4th Syawal
Horrible! this is what happens when syzna + volteron ( a type of painkiller)..
my face do look like will smith in HITCH the movie huh? ahaha

cian dia...

5th Syawal

waiting patiently for Dr Chong

my very supportive sister syiddy and bro syahir

      kak long : syida...hold this drip! nak basuh muka.. 
      syida      : kak long...xyahla..nanti darah masuk balik dalam tiub drip ni 
                     macam td... 
      kak long  : ah!( degil) biar je...klo x orang g sendiri!
      syida      : eee! degil nye kakak aku ni..

I was discharged on 5th of Syawal. No discharged medication was provided!I was only given a piece of paper - Medical Leave for 4 days...yeay! =p
Yang penting, lepas tu...saya amalkan air penawar TOK GURU as syiffa' and wardina, titiskan around 7-21 drops in a glass of water...And now alhamdullilah everything dah ok!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good news!


Just received a text msg from mckaq 

Mckaq    : Beb,bg no jiah yang maxis tu..dia dah balik malaysia hari ini..
Janna      :  xde la mek..cube tnye za or rimma. 

wow...its ages since I last met her! shes back..along with her little aleesya and successfully completed her MSc..syoknye! :)

W E L C O M E    H O M E     B O B O! 

bobo and myself at kl sentral-foodcourt.
picture was taken by mckaq.
owh,how I miss our good old days together!uhuk..uhuk..

Next...irfan a.k.a Mollie is becoming a FATHER! Im very happy for u mollie..Alhamdulillah! 


Ok..need to finish my assignment..erghhh...charlo!

Something to share : Kelebihan surah Al Mulk..

Kelebihan Surah Al-Mulk

Surah Al Mulk adalah surah keamanan dan keselamatan, kerana ia menyelamatkan pembaca-pembacanya dari siksa kubur. Sejarah telah membuktikan seperti yang berlaku di zaman Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam. Ibnu Abbas menceritakan:

"Pernah suatu ketika setengah para sahabat berkhemah di atas kubur. Mereka sebenarnya tidak menyangka tempat itu adalah kubur. Setelah beberapa ketika berada di dalam khemah, mereka tiba-tiba terdengar suara orang membaca Surah Al Mulk dari mula hinggalah akhirnya. Suara itu datangnya dari dalam tanah. Tahulah mereka, sebenarnya mereka sedang berkhemah di atas kubur. Kemudian hal itu diadukan kepada Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam lalu baginda bersabda yang bermaksud: "Surah Al Mulk adalah surah pelepasan kerana ia menghindar pembacanya dari azab neraka."

Happy Raya : Raya 2009

1st day of raya
Mom and I planned to perform Raya Prayers at al-falakh..unfortunately,we arrived a lil bit "late" at the mosque..They have started the 1st rakaat! Patah balik la,apalagi..! There goes our 'pahala'..xpe, niat dah ade..huhu ;p
Our first-family guest Mak Nyah and geng! And the list of guests continues until around 6pm...Families from my fathers side buat konvoi-from subang jaya-shah alam-taman tun-gombak ! Once-a-year 'gathering' for us coz jarang sgt jumpe!! Mode : H A P P Y! :)

family maknyah


syida control ayu! ;) my dearest beloved cousin Mrs. Nadya Hanim Mainur & husband....

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S  

Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl
Little Farhanah Nurul Ain!
Be a loving parent. Do your best. Enjoy your baby!

Farhanah Nurul Ain