Friday, April 15, 2011


Salam to all

Alhamdulillah, insyaAllah bulan Mei adalah bulan terakhir saya berkhidmat di UiTM. Jalan untuk saya berhenti dari UiTM telah dipermudahkan. I have made my mind, and it was a very very very tough decision. Decision has been made,and I will never turn back. I'm sure this is the BEST for both of us.

My plan is to take a few months rest, teman mr.hubby in PD, attend MARA Usahawan courses ( berangan nak wat bisnes ni! ) , nak attend language classes, help my MIL prepare my bro's wedding and etc etc. 

So,back at work today, Pn Ghazirah and I p 'kelas senamrobik',wuhuuuuu!!!  First time kami p, and we had a very GREAT time. Instructor dia syiokk,asik suh kami senam sambil senyum je!

First time p dan sgtlah jakun!

Gimnasium,tapi mcm bilik tarian aja.

Later that night, ada kelas statics. Kelas 2J,depa ni seme budak baik n bijak bestari. Probably,this is my LAST LECTURE in Uitm penang. Tiba2 lak mode sedih,hua hua hua..

Ok,thats all,till then tata ! :)


  1. emmm..sedeynyeerr..huhuhu..

    but maybe its the best for u n shafiq.. =)

  2. hehe.sedeh juge. sob sob. 3 thn tu kat sini! :(
